Saturday, December 18, 2010

Oh My...

It's been a while.

A quick update;

Largely I've done very little. I'm not happy about this and it's my own fault. Attempting to remove my own head from my ass.

Will update better once I'm back in the swing of things.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Getting back to business...


I realised today that last night in my posts I forgot to mention that I won't be kicking full in to gear for another week or two. Reasons for this are:
  1. Currently appear to have some inflammation or tendinitis (not profesionally diagnosed) in my left forearm. Certain types of gripping cause a bit of pain and am feeling some stiffness in the elbow at times as well. I've been trying to take fish oil, rest that hand and massage the flexors with a golf ball. Hopefully should come good by next week.
  2. I've just finished University exams. During that period I didn't train for about 2-3 weeks so I'm slightly out of whatever shape I was in. I'll ease back in to it, no rush.
On with todays session.


ITB Roll - about 40 passes on both legs
Squat Stretch - 30 second hold, 2 minute hold
Hamstring Stretch - 2 minute hold with 10kg
High Bar Squats
1x5 @ 40kg
1x5 @ 50kg
1x5 @ 60kg
1x5 @ 70kg
1x5 @ 80kg
1x3 @ 90kg
1x3 @ 100kg
1x1 @ 105kg

3x5 @ 40kg

Boxing Sparring 
This was mainly just mucking around with mates, no real hard punches but the ticker was working.
Approx 5 x 1 minute rounds

- High bar felt pretty good today. Low bar felt like it was stretching my right shoulder a bit too much. Also, despite their ludicrous size (big) my quads are apparently proportionately weaker than my hamstrings. So I figure High bar can't hurt for a little while. Weights were all pretty easy on the legs, surprisingly tough on the abs.

- Press was pretty easy, just wanted to do something upper body that didn't involve any gripping.

- Boxing was good, got the swing of things a little bit better towards the last few rounds. When I do this properly I have no doubt I'm going to get fit/lose weight. It's hard...

- Diet was crap today. Binged on junk food. No reason, no excuses just a stupid decision which I'll avoid making again. Am thinking I'll try go back to paleo pretty soon, just requires a bit more prep and planning sometimes.

- I'll do some more mobility work again before bed.   

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harder Better Faster Stronger

The title of this post reflects the direction in which I want to travel with regards to my training. This blog will contain a bunch of stuff such as music I like / wish to recommend, general ponderings and andecdotes but it will primarily (hopefully) be centred around my training.

Harder - I want to start getting a little leaner. This is somewhat vanity fuelled but also because I've come to the realisation that if I can't establish eating habits which see me sit at a healthy level of body fat when I am in the best physical shape of my life (or have the potential to be anyway...) then there will be no hope for me down the track.

Better - I want to become more skilled and more flexible. I want to pursue a variety of physical activities. The first of this will be boxing which I aim to do 2 days per week (in conjunction with 3 days of weight training) for the University holiday period. I'll be aiming to do 10-20 minutes of stretching and flexibility work every day. Those who know me in person can testify that I possess the flexibility of a plank of timber.

Faster - This ties in with being better. For a little while recently I was 110kg (deliberately). I'd gained some muscle but man... moving was a pain in the ass. Stairs, fences, climbing all become more difficult. Not only that but running or any type of 'fitness' work was torture. This shouldn't be the case. You're no good if you've got the legs to pull a truck but not the lungs.

Stronger - Simple. I want to squat, press, pull more weight.

The plan of attack
  • Mondays - Boxing
  • Tuesdays - Weights (Heavy Day)
  • Wednesday - Boxing
  • Thursday - Weights (Light Day)
  • Friday - Off
  • Saturday - Weights (Heavy Day)
  • Sunday - Off (maybe an easy bike ride... but probably not).

That's the game plan.

By way of introduction...

Age: 21
Vitals: 106kg, 6'1
Location: Sydney, Australia
Occupation: Student/Construction(white collar)
Training History: Have buggerised around in a few different areas, I suffer from goal ADHD. Below are a list of pursuits which I've all spent varying amounts of time on. Generally around 1 year.
  • Rock Climbing
  • Crossfit
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Karate
  • Powerlifting
You would think with these varied pursuits I'd be a fairly impressive physical specimen by now, but I do not consider myself to be so. Through lack of proper application and a few lazy periods between these pursuits I haven't ended up with much of anything. With that being said, I feel I've made a positive change in my life in that I enjoy being physically active. Up until I was about 16-17 I was around 120kg of unhealthy videogaming kid. Anyhow, on with the show.